
ECP/EECP Treatment

It is a non invasive procedure that may reduce the symptoms of small branches of blood vessels which circumvent the blocked arteries.

ECP therapy involves compression and decompression of the lower extremities during the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle

ECP therapy is typically provided in 35, one-hour treatment sessions over a period of approximately seven weeks.

In certain circumstances, adjusting the patient’s treatment regimen to two hours per day can make it more comfortable for the patient to complete a course of ECP Therapy.

Treatment For Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease, which occurs when the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is very high, as a result of which the body is unable to use it properly.

In addition to the improved blood circulation in the heart and the body, the ECP Treatment (EECP Treatment) has an additional positive effect on diabetics – improved blood sugar control. As blood flow to the pancreas increases, the insulin production is enhanced, thus improving the overall blood sugar control. This will lead to long term management of diabetes.

Treatment For Obesity

Being ‘Overweight’ and ‘Obese’ means having excessive fat accumulation in the body that can impair the overall wellbeing of the individual

ECP Treatment or EECP Treatment enhances blood circulation throughout the body and leads to formation of blood vessels (collaterals). This improves organ function and increases the flow of nutrients and oxygen. Consequently, it results in improved body metabolism and fat burning capacity. Furthermore, undergoing the ECP Treatment is similar to undergoing passive exercise, which improves the energy levels and removes fatigue.


  • External Counter Pulsation has produced positive effects in patients with coronary artery disease.
  • Relief from Angina or symptoms
  • Fewer episodes of Angina
  • Improved treadmill exercise times
  • ECP helps inHeart disease, stroke, angina, hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes


  • Non invasive, no stitches, no pain, no prick, no surgery, no risks, no admission
  • Cheap and effectiveOne-fifth of the cost for surgery