
Advanced Cardiac Care

Advanced Cardic care unit or cardiac intensive care unit is a hospital ward specialized in the care of patients with heart attacks, unstable angina, cardiac dysrhythmia and various other cardiac conditions that require continuous monitoring and treatment.

Types of Advanced Cardiac Care

Acute Cardiac care

Acute Cardiac care units (ACCUs), also called "critical Cardiac care units" (CCCUs), are equivalent to intensive care in the level of service provided. Patients with acute infarction, shock caused by cardiac arrest, or post-operative "open-heart" patients commonly abide here.

Sub acute Cardiac care

Sub acute Cardiac care units (SCCUs), also called progressive care units (PCUs), intermediate Cardiac care units (ICCUs), or stepdown units, provide a level of care intermediate to that of the intensive care unit and that of the general medical floor. These units typically serve patients who require cardiac telemetry, such as those with unstable angina.


  • Don’t smoke or expose yourself to second-hand smoke.
  • Limit your calories.
  • Do exercise on daily habit.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Know your risks.
  • Maintain your blood pressure.
  • Take responsibility for your health.
  • Checking your cholesterol (blood lipids)


  • Advanced Cardiac care is the availability of automatic transmission and measurement of data from remote sources by wire or radio
  • Advanced Cardiac Care allows early intervention with medication, cardio version or usually given electric shock
  • An abnormal rate of muscle contractions in the heart are relatively common in this group, patients with infarction or unstable angina are routinely admitted to the Cardiac care unit.
  • For other indications, a specific indication is generally necessary, while for others, such as heart block, Cardiac care unit admission is standard.